Monday 30 June 2014

When i hear skinny girls saying that they are fat, i want to punch them in their faces so hard! Does this make me a bad person? I get mad when they keep repeating that they need to lose weight and that now that summer has come, how are they supposed to go to the beach like that..... 
And here i am, listening to these bullshit and telling them that they are not fat at all! Can't they see that this makes me pain????

All of us have insecurities. We are humans. We are not perfect. But i find it mean and harsh to talk about your "fat" body to a person who is indeed fat. That's not fair! For them, diet is easy. They don't eat for a whole week and suddenly the become skinny again, because they just need to lose some pounds or sometimes they don't have to loose anything at all. But they keep complaining about a problem that doesn't exist. And I have to fight everyday with myself, my stomach that is starving... And i need more than a week, more than a month... Not to lose only some pounds but almost half of my body weight.

I am sick of that!

Sunday 22 June 2014

I woke up thinking all the things that everybody says behind my back. About how awkward it is for me to be around people, thin people... That's probably the reason for not going out with my "friends", for not wanting to meet other people. I just don't fit in. However, that's not what i want from my life. I want to have fun finally. And my weight is a BIG, FAT obstacle. I can't allow that to happen. I have to do something. I miss my old me. A strong, confident woman with a nice body. Instead, now i am fat, weak, insecure and disgusted with my own self.


Saturday 14 June 2014

Everyday for me is a day of diet. I convice myself that i have to stop eating, i have to stop getting fatter and fatter. And when the day comes to its end, then again i go to the fridge and eat everything. That feeling is the worse feeling!
I feel sorry for myself. I do not have the power. 
I can never be skinny! 

Sunday 8 June 2014

I am that fat girl. That girl that is overweight and cannot wear whatever she wants.
The girl that goes for a walk and thinks that everybody talks about her bad image...
I'm so tired of being that girl...